Hello! Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this page because you are a heart family we have had the honor of serving. Maybe you are one of our current or past supporters. Or perhaps are just curious to see what the Wholehearted Foundation is all about. Regardless of why you are here, we are glad that you are. The truth is, regardless of any differences we have, we share some things in common.

We all were created on purpose by God who loves us infinitely and has a plan for our lives. His desire is that we would know Him personally and enjoy a genuine loving relationship with him. We all also share a common problem – we fall short of God’s holy standard. In other words, we miss the mark. We all do, say, or think things that are not good or pure. The Bible calls this sin. Our sin is the barrier that keeps us from having and enjoying that personal relationship He so desperately desires to have with us. You. See, God is holy, just, righteous, and perfect. We as human beings simply are not. God’s holiness and our unholiness are not compatible. Despite our best efforts and good behavior, we all fall short of the gap between our sin created between a holy God and us (an unholy people). There is simply nothing that we can do to bridge that gap or solve this problem. Knowing that, God decided to make a way to restore our broken relationship with him.

God loved us so much that He sent his son Jesus to earth to be the way to a restored relationship with Him. Jesus lived the perfect, sinless life we could never live. Though innocent, he willingly suffered at the hands of his enemies, was crucified on a cross and died to pay the penalty for our sins that we could never pay. In other words, he took the punishment we deserved and suffered it for us. He paid the ultimate price and traded his innocence for our guilt!

Imagine that you had been caught, arrested, tried and convicted of a very serious offense – one that is guilty was the penalty of capital punishment. However, just before the judge announced your sentence and slammed down the gavel signifying the finality of your sentence, someone in the courtroom stood up. It was a completely innocent person who offered to live out your sentence so you could go free! Friends, in a very real way, that is what Jesus did for us. He took on himself the punishment we deserve so we could go free. What a trade that is!

And it gets better! Not only did Jesus die on our place, 3 days later (like he promised he would), he rose again and proved that He was God’s son who had authority to forgive sins and restore our relationship with our Heavenly Father. This is the Good News- truly the best news ever.

How do I receive forgiveness from my sins? How can I have a restored relationship with God? How can I have peace and joy regardless of my circumstances? How can I have assurance that I will go to heaven when I die?

  • Acknowledge to God that you like all human beings fall short of his holiness – that you are guilty of sin. Repent (turn from your sins) and ask God to forgive you.
  • Confess that Jesus is the Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be forgiven with the promise of eternity in heaven.
  • Follow Jesus- because that is what Jesus is looking for – people willing to walk away from a life devoid of true meaning and purpose, who accept his gift of forgiveness and live a life now and forever in relationship with him!

If you have any further questions about God’s good news, let us know and we will have a team member connect with you.

We love you Wholeheartedly!

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